Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Something you'd like to learn

Hello, for today I'm going to talk about my interest and the things that I would like to learn.

I am interested in very different things. For example in relation of my career I would like to learn more abaut  etnomusicology and popular culture in the central zone and south of chile. That is the reason because I study social anthropology. But I would like to learn more about neurological process or phenomenom like synesthesia, ASMR, etc. And this is most relation with physics anthropology and psychology.

I would like to learn more about drawing, in special comic style. When I was younger, very litle, I remember to draw all the time, I was very good for my age (7 or 8 years) but in my teens I left and I never return to draw with the same regularity. I think that I will should to start to draw more.

Other  topic that I would like to learn more, is about dance. I know... I am very awful to dance, but I like a lot, and I think it will very unexpected if I dance good in a some moment. Because I am famous in my family for dance bad... yes, that is so sad :( but I don't care, I will learn to dance good.

And that is all for today.


  1. I`m agree with you about the career, I thik that is very interesting the topic like synesthesia =)
    I like to draw and paint too =)

  2. art is your thing, I'm sure you're very good at all

  3. :o Whatever happened to you with drawing It happened to me with the dance :(

  4. I think you need to keep dancing. Maybe this idea of you being the worst in your family is just your perception, maybe not. But either way, if you like it, you have to do it.
